Why have a good inventory management system?

Inventory management can be complex, but it is essential for better profitability. Respond effectively to your customer’s request. 

  • Sell more, sell better;
  • Be sure to always have the right products at the right time on your shelves;
  • Reduce your inventory investments with a precise inventory control;
  • Control your margins more effectively to get a real sense of your costs;
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How to better control your stocks?

Make better decisions about your stocks inventory levels and margins. Take advantage of constantly updated data that allows you to closely monitor the movement of your products.

  • Have real-time history and product movement;
  • Receive insufficient inventory alerts;
  • Enjoy a complete and simple order and reception process;
  • Work with complete supplier files (delivery details) to ensure your orders are received on time;
  • Quickly replenish with automated order suggestions based on inventory values, movements, or forecasts;

How to reduce waste with better inventory management?

Often retailers have no idea of how much is worth the merchandise they throw away in a week.

  • Identify products without movement;
  • Get the ratio of sales vs. waste by product or department through loss management;
  • Make sure each item is accounted for as sold, stolen or wasted;
  • Transform your products before they expire and analyze cost of your raw materials with recipe management;

Don’t lose revenue or customers to poor inventory management

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What is an inventory tracking system?

An inventory tracking system helps businesses keep track of their inventory levels and ensure that they always have the right amount of stock on hand. This is important for businesses that want to avoid running out of stock and dead stock, which can lead to lost sales, misleading accounting reports and disappointed customers.

What can a good inventory tracking system do for your business?

  • It can help your business reduce your costs by reducing waste and overstocking. By accurately tracking their inventory, businesses can avoid ordering too much of a particular item, which can save money on storage and transportation costs.
  • It can also improve customer satisfaction by ensuring that businesses have the items that customers want in stock and can fulfill orders quickly. This is especially important for businesses that operate online, as customers expect to receive their orders in a timely manner.
  • A good inventory tracking system can help your business improve its cash flow by ensuring that they have the right amount of inventory on hand to meet demand. This can help businesses avoid missed sales opportunities and increase their profitability.

Overall, a good inventory tracking system is essential for your business if you want to manage your inventory effectively and improve your operations. By choosing the right system and using it effectively, your enterprise can improve efficiency, reduce costs and increase customer satisfaction.

How does an inventory management system work?

An inventory management system typically works by scanning or manually entering data about each inventory item as it is received, moved, or sold. This data is then stored in a database and used to update real-time inventory levels. The system can also generate reports and alerts to help managers track inventory levels and identify any potential issues or shortages.

How does an inventory tracking system including an inventory management software can benefit a business owner?

An inventory tracking system can help a business owner reduce excess inventory and improve cash flow, as well as streamline manual processes and increase efficiency. It can also help with inventory optimization and reduce the risk of running out of stock. Using its built-in inventory management software this system can give you a wide variety of reports about what is going on in your stockroom in real-time and help your accounting department save you a lot of money very quickly by always having the exact inventory levels while working.

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What are the different types of inventory tracking systems?

There are several types of inventory tracking systems, including manual systems, computer-based systems, and integrated systems. Manual systems rely on physical records, such as paper-based forms or spreadsheets, to track inventory. Computer-based systems use software to manage inventory data, while integrated systems link inventory data with other business systems, such as point-of-sale (POS) systems or enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems.

What tracking system is used in SIR Solutions’ inventory management solution?

There are several types of inventory tracking systems available, but barcode-based systems are the most widely used type of inventory tracking system. These systems use barcodes to track inventory items and are often used in warehouses and retail stores. With SIR Solutions’ barcode-based system, businesses can scan an item’s barcode to track its location, movement, and sales.

Inventory tracking systems can be a  truly valuable asset for businesses of all sizes. They can help businesses manage their inventory more efficiently, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction. By choosing the right system and considering key features such as real-time tracking, sales tracking and stock levels, businesses can find a system that meets their needs and helps them grow their business.

Need help finding the right Inventory tracking system for your business?

How to choose the right inventory management system for your business?

No matter which type of inventory tracking system a business chooses, there are several key features that are important to consider. One of the most important features is the ability to track inventory levels in real-time. This is especially important for businesses that want to avoid running out of stock or overstocking their inventory. Other important features include the ability to track sales and customer orders, manage expiring items, and track inventory across multiple locations or channels.

What other features should be considered for inventory management?

  • In addition to these key features, businesses should also consider the cost of the inventory tracking system. While it’s important to find a system that meets their needs, businesses should also consider their budget and choose a system that is cost-effective.
  • Another important consideration is the number of users the system can support. If a business has a large team, they will need a system that can accommodate multiple users and allow them to access the system from any location.

What are some of the features of SIR Solutions’ inventory tracking solution?

  • Real-time inventory tracking: The ability to see current inventory levels in real-time is important for ensuring that stock-outs are avoided and that excess inventory is minimized.
  • Automated ordering: A system that can automatically generate purchase orders based on preset reorder points can save time and reduce the risk of stock-outs.
  • Multiple location support: If you have multiple locations or warehouses, you’ll want a system that can track inventory across all locations.
  • Custom reporting: The ability to create custom reports can be useful for analyzing inventory trends and identifying areas for improvement.
  • Integration with other systems: If you already have other business systems in place, such as a POS system or an ERP system, you may want to consider a system that can integrate with those systems.

Choose the #1 inventory tracking system in Canada

Who can benefit from our inventory tracking system?

Our inventory tracking system is optimized and has key features for a variety of different businesses and industries. Whether you’re a grocery store with a large inventory containing a lot of different categories of products or a small retailer with a very specific niche of products. SIR solutions has the ITS that you need to conduct your business.

Grocery stores

Convenience Stores



Can I use a manual system for inventory tracking?

Manual systems, such as paper-based forms or spreadsheets, can be used for inventory tracking, but they are not as efficient or accurate as computer-based or integrated systems. Manual systems require manual data entry, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors. They also do not provide real-time data on inventory levels and demand.

What are 3 methods to manually track your inventory?

In inventory management, there are three main techniques to manually track your stocks: the push technique, the pull technique, and the just-in-time (JIT) technique.

  1. The push technique involves forecasting demand for a product and “pushing” it down the supply chain to be stored in a warehouse or store until it is needed by a customer or employee.
  2. The pull technique involves only “pulling” an item from the supply chain when it is specifically ordered by a customer or employee, and is often used for specialty or high-priced items with low or unpredictable demand.
  3. The “JIT” technique involves ordering inventory “just in time” to fulfill a customer’s order or business need, and can offer lower inventory carrying costs and improved cash flow, but may not always be able to meet demand and may require overpaying for products to get them to customers quickly.

How much does an inventory tracking system cost?

The cost of an inventory tracking system can vary depending on the size and complexity of the system, as well as the number of users and the level of support required. Prices can range from a few hundred dollars for a basic system to several thousand dollars for a more advanced system.

Can an inventory tracking system be integrated with other business systems?

Yes, many inventory tracking systems can be integrated with other business systems, such as point-of-sale (POS) systems or enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. This allows for seamless data sharing and can improve the efficiency and accuracy of inventory management.

How do I train my staff to use an inventory tracking system?

Training your staff to use an inventory tracking system typically involves providing them with instructions and hands-on practice using the system. It may also be helpful to provide them with training materials, such as user guides or video tutorials.

Are there mobile apps available for inventory tracking systems?

Yes, many inventory tracking systems offer mobile apps that allow users to access inventory information and update inventory levels from their smartphones or tablets.

Are there cloud-based solutions for inventory tracking systems?

Yes, there are cloud-based inventory tracking systems that allow users to access inventory information from any device with an internet connection. These solutions are typically more scalable and easier to set up than on-premises systems.

How can an inventory tracking system help with inventory turnover?

An inventory tracking system can help with inventory turnover by providing real-time visibility into inventory levels and helping businesses optimize their stock based on demand. This can help reduce excess inventory and improve cash flow.

Can an inventory tracking system help with physical inventory counts?

Yes, an inventory tracking system can help with physical inventory counts by providing a single platform for tracking inventory levels and comparing them to the actual physical counts and its manual processes. This can help identify discrepancies and improve accuracy.

Can an inventory tracking system track expiration dates for inventory items?

Some inventory tracking systems have the ability to track expiration dates for perishable items, such as food and medications. This can help businesses ensure that they are not selling expired products and reduce waste.

How can an inventory tracking system help with a wide variety of inventory items?

An inventory tracking system can help with a wide variety of inventory items by allowing businesses to create and manage multiple categories of assets through an inventory management software. This can help businesses track the stock levels of different types of products and materials separately and more effectively.

Who typically uses inventory management software?

Inventory management software is typically used by inventory managers, warehouse workers, business owners, accounting and other professionals responsible for managing and tracking inventory in a business.